
Hello, I would like to recommend you a telecommunication firm when you live in Japan. There are some big telecommunication firms, such as Docomo, AU, Softbank, and Rakuten. There are also some mobile communication subsidiaries, such as ahamo, LINEMO, and UQ Mobile.
I recommend ahamo if you are planning on living alone and/or going to other countries for travel or business. This company uses Docomo’s connection. So, it’s easy to use on the subway, near the sea, and in some rural areas; it has many base stations. I recommend some other good companies if you’re planning on living with your family. Some companies will discount the price if people contract at the same time, or with one host. You can share GB with your entire family. You can save money and it is easy to pay for your phone.
I compared ahamo with Docomo for the unlimited plans.
The price is 2,970 yen for 20GB and 4,950 yen for 100BG per month, including five free calls for five minutes per time; you cannot share data with your family. It costs 22 yen per thirty seconds if you use over five minutes; you must apply online. However, the staff can help you at the Docomo shop if you pay 3,300 yen. You can only apply if you’re over twenty years old. You can collect Docomo points.
There are many plans such as the unlimited plan. It costs 7,315 yen per month. Calls are free within your family; however, outside calls are 22 yen per 30 seconds and you can collect Docomo points. The host must be twelve years or older. So, the host can give the phone to someone younger.
What do you need to apply?
d Account, ID (Japanese driver’s license, my number card, Japanese health insurance card, and residence card), credit card or bank account, and an iPhone or android (SIM-free). You can use several different phones such as Google Pixel, iPhone, and iPad. However, sometimes this service is unavailable, so you should search for your phone on this list.
List: https://ahamo.com/support/supported-phones/
What is a d account?
A d account is a website to see your contacts. You can also get points from Docomo.
How to make d account?
I will give you instructions on how to make your account.
1. Click if you have Yahoo, Japan email, Gmail, or Docomo email. The email app will open automatically for you to change your email. After that, you will be able to send a message without changing anything.

2.You will receive an email from Docomo once you have sent your message. There will be a URL you can click in this email.
3.You may type a network PIN. However, sometimes they won’t provide you with a PIN. Call 0120-800-000 if you don’t know this PIN.

4.You will get a one-time key number from your email. Type this number, and click the blue button.

5.Decide an ID using numbers, the alphabet, or your email

6.Create a password. You can use your full name, birthday, and/or phone number
7.Click the blue-button whenever you are complete.

How to apply
1.Click this URL https://ahamo.com/
2.Click the blue button
3.There is a list of choices. Change your price plan, or phone, if you are under contract with Docomo. Buying a phone and a SIM card, or only buying a SIM card or an eSIM.

4.Choose the second choice if you have a new contact with ahamo.

5.Choose 20GB per month or 100GB per month, and/or unlimited call ( second is unlimited call). You can see the price per month when you choose the plan.

6.The company will ask you if you have a phone, SIM-free, that you can use with this service.

7.Click the middle button (該当するキャリアがない).

8.Choose iPhone or Android and choose your phone.

9.It will ask whether you have a d account or not (The right is if you have a d account, and the left is if you don’t have one)

9.Log into your d account
10.Upload your ID, such as your driver’s license, your residence card, etc.
11.Upload your picture
12.Choose to pay from a credit card or bank account (left is credit card and right is bank account)
13.You will get a message from the company once you’re done.
How to use this service once you get a SIM card
- Login from your message.
- Type your reception number, phone number, and network PIN.
- Log into your d account
- click the orange button twice, and you’re done! You should call here if you are unable to do it Number: 1580 You can also chat on ahamo’s website if you forgot the network PIN.
Which countries are you able to use it?
North America
The USA, US territories(Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Saipan), and Canada
South America
US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Chile, and Ecuador
India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, and Bangladesh
Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Nauru
Ireland, Azores, Andorra, England, Italy, Estonia, Austria, Netherlands, Canary Islands, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, San Marino, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Spanish North Africa, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Turkey, Norway, Vatican, Hungary, Finland, France, Bulgaria, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Madeira Islands, Monaco, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Romania, Luxembourg, and Russia
Middle East
Qatar, Oman, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia
Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, and Lesotho
I use ahamo. My plan is 20GB and does not offer unlimited calls. It was very easy to submit these documents. I think it’s better to use this if you travel to other countries. It’s easy to see the price and how much GB you use in a month if you download the app. Unfortunately, I believe this app cannot be translated into English. So, it may be hard for non-Japanese speakers. In the future, I hope there will be a wide range of different languages available.